HipSquare launches new website for AWO Oberbayern

We are proud to announce that we just launched the new website for AWO Oberbayern: awo-obb.de.
AWO Oberbayern
AWO is a German welfare organization with a long tradition of over a century. They provide social services such as operating senior residences, kindergartens or social psychiatry institutions. The Oberbayern branch of AWO takes care of AWO operations in upper Bavaria.
The project
We worked on the relaunch together with our agency partner ELSA, who took over the UX and design work. HipSquare was responsible for the technical implementation:
We configured and extended Strapi as a Content Management System.
Based on ELSA's great Figma concept, Sketch design and Zeplin library, we built UI components in React using Storybook and Styled Components.
We finally built out the actual website using Next.js, mostly using Incremental Static Regeneration for quick loading times combined with up-to-date content.
We also integrated Meilisearch as a full-text search engine.
We built some bigger and some smaller interactive features. One we are especially proud of is the maps-based facility search, e.g. for kindergartens:
We set up a GDPR-compliant infrastructure in Germany, including the hosting, web analytics, and a newsletter system.
The site now serves multiple hundred domains (many of the AWO institutions have their own top level and sub domains) and is maintained by over a hundred editors.
We will post another entry with more technical details and some lessons learned soon.
A big thank you
We would like to extend special thanks to the great communications team over at AWO (check out who they are on their own site) and to our UX and UI partners at ELSA. And of course to the HipSquare team of developers, business analysts and project managers involved.
With the professional, collegial, friendly and fun collaboration, the almost 12 months of project time flew by in the blink of an eye. We are now looking forward to further enhance the site together and to continue the great partnership.